=== Plugin Name === Contributors: s56bouya Donate link: http://www.imamura.biz/blog/newpost-catch Tags: widget, plugin, posts, sidebar, image, images, thumb, thumbnail Requires at least: 3.3.1 Tested up to: 4.9.7 Stable tag: 1.3.6 Thumbnails in new articles setting widget. == Description == Thumbnails in new articles setting widget. == Frequently Asked Questions == ### Installation 1. Unzip "Newpost Catch" archive. 2. Upload folder 'newpost-catch' to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 4. Add the widget to your sidebar from Appearance->Widgets and configure the widget options. Required PHP5.3+ ### Apply your own css style (Located in the plug-in directory) CSS "style.css" file the default (Please create a directory under the "/wp-content/themes/theme directory/css/") CSS file for customization "newpost-catch.css" **Priority** > newpost-catch.css > style.css Will be applied at. With regard to CSS will either use the default CSS, I used the CSS that you created in your own, please change to your liking. ### notice With the version up of the plugin, so will be overwritten "style.css" file each time, I think how to directly edit the "style.css" file and how would you or declined. If you wish to apply a CSS style on its own, In the "/wp-content/themes/theme directory/css/" as you please create a "newpost-catch.css". Please the name of the file to create and "newpost-catch.css". The other is the file name, does not apply. ### Shortcode Can use the shortcode in a textwidget and theme files. > \[npc\] #### parameter * **id**(string) - Name of the id attribute "ul" element(default:npcatch) * **post_type**(string) - Use post types. Retrieves posts by Post Types(default:post) * **cat**(int) - Use category id(default:NULL) * **width**(int) - Thumbnail width px(default:10) * **height**(int) - Thumbnail height px(default:10) * **posts_per_page**(int) - Number of post to show per page(default:5) * **sticky**(boolean) - Sticky posts or not(on:1 off:0 default:0) * **offset**(int) - Number of post to displace or pass over(default:0) * **orderby**(string) - Sort retrieved posts by parameter(default:date) * **order**(string) - Designates the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' parameter(default:DESC) * **date**(boolean) - Display date(on:1 off:0 default:0) * **dynamic**(boolean) - Show only articles in the same category as the article being displayed. If you specify both "cat" parameters, "dynamic" priority(on:1 off:0 default:0) **Example1. Want change id name of ul element.** > \[npc id="test"\] **Example2. Show only articles in the same category as the article being displayed.(post_type is "post" only. and is_single() == true )** When the post other than, post_type of the current page is the value of the priority parameter cat > \[npc dynamic="1"\] == Screenshots == 1. To display the eye-catching(Thumbnail) set to Latest Post. 2. Localized support is in order. 3. Is simple to add the side bar, to set the size of the thumbnail, posts, post date == Changelog == = 1.3.6 = * Compatibility check with WP 4.9.7 = 1.3.5 = * Compatibility check with WP 4.8.2 * Fixed : Get widget checkbox value * Change : Default CSS style * Change : Default image no_thumb.png = 1.3.4 = * Compatibility check with WP 4.7.3. * Change post_status only shows publish. * Meta_key parameter is available with shortcode. = 1.3.3 = * Compatibility check with WP 4.7.2. * Bugfix(thumbnail indication when shortcode was used). = 1.3.2 = * Compatibility check with WP 4.6.1. = 1.3.1 = * Required PHP5.3+(changed widgets_init hook). * Abolished option page. * Compatibility check with WP 4.5. = 1.3.0 = * Compatibility check with WP 4.4.2. = 1.2.9 = * Removed the same name method. * Apply filters default thumbnail. = 1.2.8 = * The constructor method was corrected. = 1.2.7 = * The css reading order adjustment. = 1.2.6 = * Compatibility check with WP 4.1 and Twenty Fifteen Theme. = 1.2.5 = * Use post types. Retrieves posts by Post Types. = 1.2.4 = * Compatibility check with WP 4.0. = 1.2.3 = * Compatibility check with WP 3.9. = 1.2.2 = * Bugfix(Link to the Setting Thumbnails in the widget). = 1.2.1 = * The translation file modification. = 1.2.0 = * Add Admin Menu「Setting Thumbnails」. = 1.1.9 = * Compatibility check with WP 3.8.1. = 1.1.8 = * Fixed reading of newpost-catch.css file (when using child themes) = 1.1.7 = * Compatibility check with WP 3.8. = 1.1.6 = * Compatibility check with WP 3.7.1. * Add Shortcode. = 1.1.5 = * Compatibility check with WP 3.6. = 1.1.4 = * Bugfix(the display the first image in the post). = 1.1.3 = * Bugfix. = 1.1.2 = * Compatibility check with WP 3.5.2. * Bugfix. = 1.1.1 = * Update Screenshots No.2. = 1.1.0 = * Compatibility check with WP 3.5.1. * Add option「Display date」「Display sticky post」「Use default css」「Display category(ies)」. = 1.0.9 = * Compatibility check with WP 3.5. = 1.0.8 = * Bugfix. = 1.0.7 = * Very minor changes that do not affect the operation of the plugin. = 1.0.6 = * Bugfix. = 1.0.5 = * Has been deleted in the action, webkit css3. = 1.0.4 = * If you do not have eye-catching image, the display the first image in the post. * In the setting of the widget, so that you can change the ratio of variable width and height of the image size. = 1.0.3 = * Update the [FAQ page](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/newpost-catch/faq/) = 1.0.2 = * [Dedicated plugin public page.](http://www.imamura.biz/blog/newpost-catch/) * Described in the [FAQ page](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/newpost-catch/faq/) "How to customize the css". = 1.0.1 = * Has been updated so that it does not include the "Stick this post to the front page". * A change since the previous version. = 1.0.0 = * First stable version. == Upgrade Notice == Nothing in particular.